Chabby: A Cat Story – Second Meow Chapter
To continue with my Chabby story…..
Chabby was four months old when we had her spayed (ligated). A good friend of mine (who is also a cat owner) suggested that Chabby should go through this procedure for her protection, so that she wouldn’t go through the difficulty of giving birth. I was so glad that my friend acted as fairy godmother for the cost of the procedure so we immediately went to the vet to have it done. Chabby recuperated quite well after the operation.
Spay is out. Trauma is in
The wound caused by the spaying may have healed but it was another trip to the vet that could have triggered Chabby’s trauma. What trauma, you might ask.
Almost a month after she was spayed, Chabby was brought again to the vet because she was bitten by a stray cat who managed to enter our gated home. At the examination table her legs were held by three male assistants so that the vet could look into the infected part of her thigh. Chabby was screaming as the vet was taking out the pus from her wound. Oh, I was also hurting while watching Chabby that time. Poor little cat.
About three weeks later, my mom saw Chabby limping a bit and she saw that Chabby had another fresh wound. We just couldn’t identify if it was another cat bite or if she got pierced by a sharp object as she could be so playful and hyper at times. So, another visit to the vet was needed. As before, Chabby was again screaming as she was being held by the male assistants.
Maybe these harrowing experiences really left a mark on her because from then on we observed that Chabby became wary around men. She freaks out whenever she sees new male faces and hears male voices. It makes her nervous and stressed out that she would run away or worst hide the whole day at the back of the house or even stay up the tree. We have to coax her to come out of hiding when the male visitors leave. She is only comfortable around women and children and our male helper whom she is familiar with since birth,
Is there a way to comfort cats in trauma?
Yes, like humans, the power of touch and our soothing voice can calm them and make them feel they are loved. Cats are independent creatures however we still need to give them our hand to let them know they are important. This way, they will learn to give back their trust and affection to their owner.
2 thoughts on “Chabby: The Man Hater (?)”
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Chabby is so lucky to have you! <3 Grabe nga pagka spoiled cat.. ka sosyalan gd! Haha. 😀
Btw, it's sad that na trauma gid sya and that she freaks out if may mga boys. Maybe next time bring a male friend at home and let him play and spend time with Chabby. Dba? 😛
Thank you! Yes it’s sad gid na nagka trauma si Chabby and I don’t know if she will ever outgrow that fear or not. My only promise to her is that as long as I’m around, she’ll be fine– maski snobbish sya!😊